D.S. Legters

Diatribe Diaries

D.S. Legters

Diatribe Diaries

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D.S. Legters

Denise Legters has a long history. Denise spent a lot of time getting serious degrees from serious universities, among them an MFA from UPENN. She supported her art habit by illustrating for architects and archaeological journals, setting up displays for natural history and art museums, painting and selling landscape pictures, and teaching college level courses. Denise admits her greatest challenge has been raising two precocious children with her Japanese-born husband.  About her satirical works, Denise comments, “I have generated piles of notebooks with cartoon characters, who resurface when I am most stressed (and in the sketchiest of conditions). I draw cartoons when frustrated — and 2020 kept me frustrated for long stretches. The tragic and implausible events of 2020 into 2021 have put a spin on how I see things. Cartooning offers a curious path for finding sanity in absurdly chaotic times.”

For all inquiries contact: dartslegters@gmail.com

Diatribe Diaries

D.S. Legters

The Bucky Ball

Contributing Writers & Artists

I Voted
Laura Parker Roerden
Selected Poems
Zoe Korte
Absolutely Fucked & Selected Works
Yasmeen Mir
Why Nursing?
Sara Luster
My Pandemic Reality
Reyna Amaya
Barren or Fruitless
Zoë Barnstone-Clark
This is What Democracy Looks Like:
Sacred, Hard Won, and Fragile

Contributing Artists
American Omens
Lynn Mitchell
R.B. Kitaj
Alan Loehle
Education in the Age of COVID
Bonnie Culver
Theater of Cruelty
Cody Marsh
Selected Talisman Poems
Aliki Barnstone & Corina Dross
Selected Poems
Jacob Griffin Hall
Julia Fleming-Dresser
Adam Sobsey
Anthropocine Series
Alan Loehle
Ernest Burden
Trans World Airlines
Human Decency: A Priority
Michael Matos
Phoenician Morphosis & Selected Works
Knocking for the Future
Pauline Allen
Meet Them Where They Live (Part 1)
Paxton Farrar
Deb Luster
Consider This
Akiya Henry
Selected Works
Ewurakua Dawson-Amoah
A View of Black Lives Matter
Contributing Artists
True Form Films
Yeniffer Behrens-Mendoza & Mauricio Mendoza
PFAs Contamination
Tonya Chandler
The Dirt on Clean Wine
Tom Mills & Adrienne Voboril
Reinvent & Reconsider
Holly Arbuckle
One Health by Design
Jessi Flynn
Kweza Craft Brewery
Jessi Flynn
A New Resistance
Ed Brown
Beyond Rorschach
John Fleming
Journey to Her Roots
Kat Donnelly
Drink Different
Jason Dibble
The Frontier in my Fridge
Chien-Kang Chen
Kyung Me
When BeDeviled
Sara Jolena Wolcott
10 Years in the U.S.
Yee Eun Nam
Diatribe Diaries
D.S. Legters
The Bucky Ball
Contributing Writers & Artists
Isabel Mareş
Infinity + 1
David Zung
The Jingle Dress Project
Eugene Tapahe
Flowers Everywhere
Deependra Bajracharya
Desire Lines
Gui Marcondes
Planetary Health and the Great Transition
Marie Studer

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