Phoenician Morphosis & Selected Work
Phoenician Morphosis & Selected work
Phoenician Morphosis
— Death and Rebirth —
In the past year we’ve experienced an exponential change. A one time Event in the history of human evolution. Affecting everything around us, creating more separations, divisions and fears. The collective consciousness is shifting from an old paradigm to a new one, and we are here. On the threshold of a falling civilization, disconnected from Earth and our true nature. Victims of constructed beliefs and prisoners of our own traumas, insecurities, and limitations.
However we have all the tools to evolve, let go and heal.
Disasters can bring people together. If channeled in the right place, it could become an opportunity to weave differences, erase shallow blockages or miss-communications. Leading us into a space of liberation and celebration of our uniqueness. With the aspiration to remember what makes us one.
As a collective we’ve evolved into a system based on feeding needs and desires. Entertainment pushes us to shape our expression in service of something or someone else.
What is today’s Artist role?
Why do we create? For who and what?
Why do we need to be entertained? And how are we entertaining ourselves? What are the stories we keep on telling?
Are we remembering what it means to be a human, even before the birth of civilizations ?
Are we awakening to our human being?
Art offers us a safe space for self exploration. A bridge to our own individuality, unique expression. It is the bridge to our inner world and a great tool for remembering our true nature.
The great illness of our century is “absence of soul.” We’ve neglected it; however, it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning. We have lost our wisdom about the soul.
The Pandemic created a collective psychological crisis and only expression is the remedy. What are the necessary procedures that we need to take, individually and collectively, to address our collective experience? How can we collectively heal, marry opposites, and let go through art, in all its forms: theatre, dance, music, performance, painting, and writing, among others.
ART is a necessity.
It provides all the necessary ingredients to learn the language of the soul. ART IS THE MEDICINE.
It is a cure to our blind spots. A process to meet each other in a place beyond limitation. A place where religion, social constructs, race, gender, country of origin, and nationality, dissolves into nothingness; and we meet each other as human beings sharing the human experience.
It’s time to come together and work consciously on understanding and dropping the veils of illusion, miscommunication, and systematic social programming. Oppressive factors that have shaped the way we live, our interests, temptations, and desires. It is time to embody our life force and calling, on an individual and collective scale, birth ourselves from our ashes to a healthier more evolved living which is connected to our true nature and masters of our own being.
Learning the language of the heart, the art of saying what cannot be said.
It’s time to break the fourth wall and invite people to meet us there. In the world of the unseen, where we are the Light.
Where we all become ONE.
Check out the teaser for Ma’moon’s upcoming film, HUWA, below. You can support his Indiegogo campaign here.
Let me be
Let me see
Set me free
Take my word
Let me be
Take my sword
And be with me
Don’t fear me
Don’t fear yourself
Free yourself
from the self
be with me
I am free
Free from all
From their pain
From their chains
from them
for them
Let’s be free
Of confusion
Of illusion
Let’s be free
Of being seen
Seen for the essence
Inside out
Do you feel me ?
Feel the trees
Feel the ground
Hear the wind
Make a sound
Do you hear me?
One day maybe
They’ll meet us there
Where? Now
On the other side
Where birds and animal speak
Where plants and trees sings
Where everything is nothing
We all become the sea
A force of being free
Dancing in complete ecstasy
Where ancestors and gods,
old and new,
Time and space
above and below
within and without
In the sight of nothingness
We become the light
Like a star shining during the night
Do you feel me ?
Feel the trees
Feel the ground
Hear the wind
Make a sound
Do you hear me?
Don’t fear me
Don’t fear yourself
Free yourself from the self
And be with me
Let’s be free
I am
For them
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Theater & Film Artist / Writer / Painter
Ma’moon is a Lebanese Interdisciplinary Artist, merging many disciplines such as architecture, theatre design, performance arts, body movement, voice exploration, psychoanalysis, and philosophical theories, among others. Ma’moon aspires to introduce art as medicine, as a healing tool to our individual and collective human experience.
Human Decency: A Priority
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Phoenician Morphosis & Selected Work
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